Thursday, May 29, 2008

Together, Tomorrow

"I don't like to say goodbye,
I don't want today to end.
But we will be happy together tomorrow,
Together tomorrow again.
Together tomorrow, together tomorrow my friend.
We will be happy together tomorrow,
Together tomorrow again.
You may walk a rocky road.
My road may twist and bend.
We'll share all our stories when we get together,
Together tomorrow again.
Together tomorrow, together tomorrow my friend.
We'll share all our stories when we get together,
Together tomorrow again.
Every day must pass away,
Never to come again.
Tonight when I'm sleeping I'll dream of us being
Together tomorrow again.
Together tomorrow, together tomorrow my friend.
Tonight when I'm sleeping I'll dream of us being
Together tomorrow again.
Together tomorrow, together tomorrow my friend.
Tonight when I'm sleeping I'll dream of us being
Together tomorrow again."
"Together, Tomorrow" by Tom Chapin

Thursday, May 22, 2008

School's Out!

I find it very hard to believe that today was the last day of Casey's first year of preschool. They celebrated with a Songfest where we were treated to them all singing hits such as "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "I'm a Nut". He's grown so much since he started last fall - physically and in lots of other ways too. For instance, when he started school he couldn't dress himself or pick out his clothes, but he did both this morning. Although after further examination of this photo, perhaps we were better off when he wasn't quite so independent.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Morning Coffee 2.0

The fact that I love (and also survive by drinking) a good cup of coffee in the morning is no secret - the title of this blog is not a random choice. And a special treat for myself is to occasionally stop by Starbucks on the way to dropping Casey off at preschool and order a grande non-fat latte with a packet of Splenda. Ahhh, the modern Mom's answer to Calgon ("Starbucks, take me away!"). So to make my indugence a little extra special I made myself a cup sleeve out of some of the leftover fabric from Riley's room. I made a few of these as gifts for Christmas, but hadn't gotten around to making one for myself until now. I even jazzed mine up by hand embroidering my initial, as machine embroidery still confuses and confounds me (although I've had my eye on this bad-boy that I think would help). I suppose this is also a "green" project as it probably saves .000001% of a tree by me not taking the sleeve that Starbucks provides. See, I am environmentally friendly. Yay, me.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Fabric Finally and More Patience, Please

The fabric for Baby Shiny's room that I have been patiently waiting on finally arrived yesterday. OK, maybe not so much "patiently waiting" as much as boring every poor soul in earshot about the saga of my missing nursery fabric and how UPS was engaged in a great conspiracy against me. I ordered the fabric from ebay, but PayPal (also involved in the great conspiracy against me) sent the seller the wrong shipping address, and the fabric was delivered to our old house in Louisville, and then UPS sent it back to New York before they accepted the interception request and finally sent it on to me. I'm sure after reading this abbreviated version you are so wishing you had been within earshot to receive the daily updates of the saga over the past two and a half weeks - "Yesterday it was in Lexington, but today it's in Parsipanny, NJ!". Fascinating.

Anywhoo, I'm all ready to get going on the window treatments, painting, and other assorted projects I have planned for the very girly nursery for my very girly little girl (which virtually guarantees that she will be a hard-core tomboy). All of this on top of the basement finishing project scheduled to begin next week, and landscaping also on tap for next week. I think all this distraction is actually good for me because it allows me to forget how tired I am. At 3:30am this morning while nursing Riley for what seemed like the 100th time of the night, I calculated that I have spent 45 of the past 48 months either pregnant or nursing. Yikes! No wonder there are days I walk around here like a giant raw nerve with a ponytail, snapping at anyone in my path and not acting at all like the Patient Mom I strive to be, forcing Casey to ask, "Mommy, why are you so fusterated?". I want to be all zen and calm and constantly nurturing, but there are days where having spent the vast majority of the past 4 years attached to a little person takes it's toll on me, and in my weakened state I give in to the overwhelming desire to just be grumpy.

Patience, or lack thereof, seems to be a common theme around here lately. I suppose that is what I should ask for as my Mother's Day gift. More patience. And maybe a nap.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

All Dressed Up

I found this pattern for a baby dress on the internet and had some scraps left over from another project, so I decided to give it a go. Thanks to the assistance of Mom's sewing machine (which I am currently borrowing to make some projects for Riley's room) it was pretty easy to put together and I had the bulk of it done during a nap time. Some of the detail is obscured by her extra chins, but really, how cute is she? I love this chubby baby stage - probably the only time in your life when someone can remark, "Look at those fat little legs!" and mean it as a compliment.

I'm telling you folks, this little girl stuff is alot of fun. You know, when she's not screaming or nursing endlessly or driving me insane from sleep deprivation. And even when she's doing all those things she is completely adorable and I continue be smitten with her - especially when she's wearing a pink dress.