Saturday, December 17, 2005

Must Not Tackle Sister for her Clogs. Must Not Tackle...

(Audible sigh)...I am still lusting after these bronze Dansko clogs my sister bought when she was here for Thanksgiving. I am now seriously regretting not tackling her on the way out the door and yanking them off her feet. She's pretty scrappy, but I think I could have taken her.


Colleen S. said...

Someone needs to get you these shoes for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

As I am currently wearing said clogs, I appreciate the warning regarding unsuspected tackling. Stealing shoes seems frankly a little more urban than my recollection of your neighborhood, but I am now duly warned.

Be aware that while you might have gotten one off, the other would be used as weapon to beat you with. My suggestion---buy your own damn shoes.