Monday, March 27, 2006

Gotsa A Malanga!

I'm becoming a little obsessed with the new season of The Sopranos, but when you're a stay-at-home mom of a toddler and 12 weeks pregnant with #2, the thrills of life just ain't what they used to be, so you'll have to forgive me. Anyway, I loved last night's episode, and Christa & I were covered with chill bumps when Tony was at the "Finerty Reunion" and cousin Tony B. was trying to convince him to "let it go" and walk into the house (where we swore the profile of the woman at the door was his mother). And much to my relief it appears from next week's previews that Tony will not spend the rest of the season in a vegitative state. Yah!

I've been trying to figure out what the heck Uncle Junior said when he shot Tony, but since I found this mp3 mix of lines from the first episode, I truly don't care what he said or what it meant. I'm too busy walking around singing "Gotsa a Malanga". You can download it here:

After the article last week, I checked back in with the NJ Star-Ledger and I think this guy probably does the best recap of the show anywhere (ah, yes - more tidbits of useless knowledge to gunk up my brain with):

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