Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Hodge-Podge Post

It's a rainy, overcast day here in Indy and although it looks like fall, and although it feels like fall is almost here, we're supposed to have a high of 78 today and they're saying we'll be pushing 90 by the weekend. So in the spirit of the randomness of the weather this time of year, I have a slightly random post today.
Pictured above is the sad remains of my tomato plants from this summer. They had to come out of the ground to make way for the new landscaping, and I felt it was really too late in the season to attempt to replant them in containers. There were several fairly large almost ripe ones left on the vines, but before I could get to them the landscape guys had made off with them. I had no idea I had to keep such a careful eye on produce while workmen were at the house, but you learn something new all the time. Anyway, the landscaping looks great and we're very pleased with it and the accompanying irrigation system (I need to take some better pics, this one doesn't really do the yard justice).

I celebrated my 32nd birthday over the weekend, and I keep having an internal discussion in my head about that number. It just doesn't seem right. 32? Really? Are you sure? OK, well, if you're sure. I received some really lovely gifts - these beautiful flowers from the boys, this awesome coffee mug from Christa, a great slow-cooker cookbook from my in-laws, and a much needed donation to the "Baby #3 winter maternity clothes fund" from my parents.

Mom also gave me these wonderful facial wipes from Boots (Target carries them now). They are the perfect skin care solution for a tired, lazy woman such as myself who can't even summon the energy at night to wash her face with soap and water. I highly recommend them.

We continue the ongoing discussion with Casey about what he wants to be for Halloween this year, and this morning when I posed the question he declared "Naked!". Somehow I don't think that one will go over so well. Halloween on Bourbon Street? Yes. Halloween at Christian preschool party? Not so much.

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