Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm just coming up for air here for a bit. It's been crazy around here, and I always feel like this time of year is being lived in fast forward. Fall, Halloween, then vroooooooommm, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Today was perhaps the last beautiful and warm day of the year - 73 and sunny - and the kids are on fall break so we headed to the zoo. Last week, however, was gray, gray, gray. I snapped the photos above one afternoon, and the one of Riley really seemed the capture the mood of a dreary fall day. And even though it was dull outside, I managed to coax a few bright grins from the boys. I may be quiet around here for the next little bit as we navigate everything that is going on, but I'll try to press pause when I can.


Courtney said...

As always, great pics. I need to get you here to take pics of my crew some day. I hope you guys are doing okay. Need to catch up with you and what's going on in your world! I've really been thinking of Rob lately and wondering where you guys will end up long-term. Kentucky has lots of kids with bad teeth you know! :)

Courtney said...

I knew you were really in my head and heart for some reason. Love you and am thinking of you non-stop.

Colleen S. said...

Fantastic pictures. Wow! They are so blessed to grow up having these.