Thursday, April 26, 2007

Puppy Love

One of the sweetest elements of life around here is the mutual love between Ani & the boys. I'm always surprised at our pet's capacity to love, and that nobody ever had to show Ani how to love these babies - she just knew. I feel so deeply for the people who have lost pets recently with the pet food contaminations, and it makes me all the more thankful that we have had her for nearly ten years now.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Not A Morning Person

I may have to order this on a coffee mug from for myself and all the women in my family...

Monday, April 16, 2007


On Saturday, I got into the shower while Casey was watching a video in our room and Connor was napping. When I got out of the shower this is what I found...

Thursday, April 05, 2007


Silly, silly girl. You actually believed you had sold your house? Not so! You might as well have been playing with the school bully who, after offering you the Oreos from his lunch bag, snatched them back from your little fingers while yelling, "Psyyych!". MAJOR burn, dude.
Actually, not so much burned as unwilling to give in to unreasonable demands made on the behalf of your buyer. Or maybe just naive to think that just because you sold your house at a discount from the asking price that you didn't have to pay for upgrades that the buyer desired. Oh well, another day, another lesson learned.
And we feel quite a bit better about the whole situation now that we have this guy out of our hair, and we're ready to move on and sell this baby to someone who will appreciate her as we have. Or at least not want to knock out walls and expect us to pay for it.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I decided to distract myself from "The Great Move of '07" by crocheting a bunch of these little chicks to put in the boys' Easter baskets. The yarn is really fuzzy which made it a challenge at first, but now I'm totally addicted to making them and can make several an hour.

Casey is getting into the Easter spirit by sporting these bunny ears he made at storytime this morning.

And Connor just keeps rolling with it. Literally. Since he isn't really mobile yet, if he sees something on the floor he wants he just rolls himself over and over until he gets there. Pretty clever, if you ask me (but I'm his mother so I think everything he does is genius).

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Housing Blues

The good news: We sold our house! The bad news: We sold our house!

After receiving a ridiculously low initial offer (try almost 6% less than asking price plus an additional cash request to pay for his closing and to "change the paint colors of the home") and several subsiquent days of negotiations, a buyer finally agreed to our second counter-offer on the house, and we rejoiced momentarily. Then the reality of our timeline set in - closing and moving in 5 weeks! I was informed at 10pm on Sunday night that the house inspection was at 12:30pm the next day, and so after spending another somewhat disapointing day on the hunt for a new house in Indy, I scurried around and straightened the house up so it was presentable for inspection. Our buyer apparently hired the team from C.S.I. to come out here and inspect every nook and cranny of our house as the inspection took 3.5 hours to complete. I was just waiting for them to break out the blacklight and scan the carpet for blood stains, and I'm pretty sure he took hair samples from my brush for DNA analysis. This morning we received his laundry list of requests, which basically amounted to a bunch of stuff he wants us to pay to have done in an effort to get us back down to his original asking price. I've had a bad feeling about this whole deal since the first offer came in - I feel like the turtle in "Over the Hedge" whose tail tingles when something isn't right, and my tail has been working overtime for the past week. All I keep asking myself is, "Does it really have to be this hard?". We're trying to keep our humor and sanity intact, but the stress of this entire process is starting to wear on the entire family (is Casey "playing" with Connor, or taking out his 2 yr-old frustrations? You be the judge.)

Meanwhile, I thought I'd share a shot of the jersey Brian Brohm autographed for me. I think Rob is just a wee bit more excited about it than I am, but since Brohm is becoming Rob's Manning, I guess I can understand.