Monday, September 29, 2008

3 Birthday Wishes

Sometimes, when you close your eyes and blow out the candles, you get exactly what you wished for.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tutorial: Baby Jeans

One of my favorite things to do when I should be doing something else (i.e. cleaning, etc) is to surf around on the Internet looking at tutorials on other blogs for instructions and inspiration for crafty things. I very rarely attempt any of the tutorials I see - I mainly just read them for the entertainment value, I guess in the same way you watch "This Old House" with no intention of ever restoring a beautiful old Victorian in Boston.

Anyway, I got a little crafty myself this week and thought I would try my hand at writing a tutorial. The weather here is supposed to get cool next week, and I realized that Riley doesn't own a pair of jeans. The ones I've found in stores are either too big or too expensive, and my rule is to never spend more on baby clothes than I would spend on my own, and I think $40 is a little high for baby jeans! I realized that I had an old pair that didn't fit anymore, and with nothing to lose I decided to try and make her a pair out of my old jeans. They were really easy to make and turned out pretty cute, so I thought I'd share the how-to in case anyone else wanted to give it a shot.

A quick disclaimer: I am by no means a master tailor, and I'm sure if I were a contestant on "Project Runway" Nina Garcia would give me a hard time about the jeans not being perfectly executed, but the upside of sewing for someone who doesn't walk upright is that the fit doesn't have to be perfect!

Step 1: Trace one leg of a pair of your baby's pants on a piece of tissue paper to make a pattern. Add about a 1/4 in for a seam allowance in the leg and crotch and about 1.25 in on the waist to make the drawstring waist:

Step 2: Lay your pattern on the leg of a pair of jeans with the outside edge even with the outside seam of the jeans and the bottom even with the bottom hem. Cut out 1 pattern piece from each leg :

Step 3: Pin the 2 pieces right sides together and stitch the front & back crotch seams.

Step 4: Match the front & back crotch seams and pin together. Pin the legs together and stitch the leg seam:Step 5: Press open the crotch & leg seams. Fold the waist down 1/4 in, and then over again 1 in. Stitch around waist close to folded edge.

Step 6: Turn the jeans right side out. Using a seam ripper, open up the middle seam on the front of the jeans in the casing you just sewed:
Step 7: Insert a ribbon or cord into the waistband and pull it through. A tip I learned from my grandfather - attach a safety pin to the end of the ribbon to use as an anchor in guiding the ribbon through the waistband.
Step 8: Put the jeans on a very cute and happy model!
P.S. You could sew in an elastic waist instead, but I like the versatility of the drawstring for fit & to change with her outfits.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Deep Breath

A deep breath is what I'm taking this week after a very busy weekend. First, we celebrated Connor's 2nd birthday. Quite appropriately (since we suspect Connor to be part simian), it was a monkey themed party, and I made banana cupcakes with dark chocolate icing to match the theme. I learned that if you are going to serve banana cupcakes at a birthday party, you should clearly identify them as such. The general consensus was that they were delicious, but the first bite was quite a surprise to those expecting traditional yellow cake (sorry, Dad!). Connor had a great birthday and he really enjoyed the cupcakes (or at least the icing on top).
Then, on Sunday we had Riley baptised. It was a really beautiful ceremony, and of the four babies baptised with us, Riley was the only one to be immersed. I don't think I'll ever forget the moment that Fr. Ted dipped her in the water and brought her back up - it was almost like watching her being born again. We had four generations on Rob's side there to celebrate with us, which made it all the more special.
It was a really wonderful weekend, but I am very relieved to have things slow down here for a week so that I can catch my breath before we get into another busy fall.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Girly Girl Room

Here are a few pics of Riley's finished room...
The window treatments made with the much anticipated fabric...

The hippo paintings I made based on Sandra Boynton's "The Belly Button Book" (my inspiration for the room)...

The pink & green theme translated in the bathroom...

And look! I made this for the room too!!

Friday, September 05, 2008

Another First

It was another first day of school here, and Casey was ready to go. He insisted on holding this football (autographed by the "Orange Bowl winning" Louisville Cardinals, not to be confused with the "28-2 humiliating loss to Kentucky" Louisville Cardinals), which is just one of many unexplained acts Casey has performed lately. Like stashing his poop in the bathroom sink. I can't even fathom what would possess an individual to put his poop in his sink, but then again I've never been a 4yr-old boy, and I have a sinking feeling that this is just the first of many things that will happen around here that I will not understand.