Monday, March 27, 2006

Gotsa A Malanga!

I'm becoming a little obsessed with the new season of The Sopranos, but when you're a stay-at-home mom of a toddler and 12 weeks pregnant with #2, the thrills of life just ain't what they used to be, so you'll have to forgive me. Anyway, I loved last night's episode, and Christa & I were covered with chill bumps when Tony was at the "Finerty Reunion" and cousin Tony B. was trying to convince him to "let it go" and walk into the house (where we swore the profile of the woman at the door was his mother). And much to my relief it appears from next week's previews that Tony will not spend the rest of the season in a vegitative state. Yah!

I've been trying to figure out what the heck Uncle Junior said when he shot Tony, but since I found this mp3 mix of lines from the first episode, I truly don't care what he said or what it meant. I'm too busy walking around singing "Gotsa a Malanga". You can download it here:

After the article last week, I checked back in with the NJ Star-Ledger and I think this guy probably does the best recap of the show anywhere (ah, yes - more tidbits of useless knowledge to gunk up my brain with):

Thursday, March 23, 2006

T-Shirt Talk

I'm not a huge fan of the message t-shirt trend, but I may have to order these from for Rob & I later on this summer...

and maybe we'll order this one for Casey... (the caption reads "I'm gonna be a big brother...but I'd still rather have a pony."

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


"Everytime I think I'm out, they keep pulling me back in!"

Any Sopranos or Godfather fan will recognize the title of the post, and the words of Michael Corleone accurately describe how I'm already feeling about the new season of The Sopranos. I still haven't formulated my own opinion about what the heck is going on, but Rob's convinced that Tony is already gone, and we'll spend the rest of the season watching the repercussions, from "The Family" imploding (it's not hard to see a power struggle between Silvio, Paulie, and Christopher, not to mention Vito being all cozy with Phil Leotardo and the New York crew), to "the family" imploding (Carm's disasterous spec house, no cash coming in from Tony, AJ's total dysfunction, Meadow's inability to decide which career to over-achieve in). Me, I'm not so sure. I found this article that certainly provides some interesting theories. I was also surprised to read that the voice of Tony's wife in the dream sequences was not Anabella Sciora (aka Gloria, the car salesperson who killed herself after her affair with Tony) - I was convinced that it was and that the dream was Tony's subconscious' version of what his life should have been. Another note: I agree with the article that something else is going on with Agent Harris and his frequent visits to Satriales. I remember a few seasons ago when the FBI's case against The Family had once again collapsed that there was some mention of trying "the terrorism angle" to bring them down. There was never any follow-up to the scene, but maybe that's all a part of David Chase's master plan. Maybe we'll get the answers to all the loose ends from all the seasons. Perhaps we'll finally know what happened to the Russian that disappeared in the woods from Chris and Paulie?

John P. Glynn, if you're out there and watching, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Friday, March 10, 2006

They're Baaaack!

So, how long has it been since we've had a new episode of The Sopranos? Sixteen months? Twenty months? Twelve years? At this rate, we will not have to worry about the main characters offing each other - they'll just be too damn old to hold a gun anymore. But I can't lie and say I'm not excited about the new (and reportedly final season). Of course, David Chase and HBO are dead set (no pun intended) on torturing fans by dragging this season out (12 episodes begining this Sunday, then the final 8 air in early 2007), but if you've watched from the begining like I have, then you're a glutton for punishment anyway. So Sunday at 9 I'll be glued to the set even though part of me is still ticked that it takes 21 months to get new epsiodes on the air. I hear that the last few minutes of episode 1 contains an old-school Sopranos shocker for the ages. No matter what happens, you know this ain't ending well, and I guess that's why we keep coming back for more.