Tuesday, March 21, 2006

"Everytime I think I'm out, they keep pulling me back in!"

Any Sopranos or Godfather fan will recognize the title of the post, and the words of Michael Corleone accurately describe how I'm already feeling about the new season of The Sopranos. I still haven't formulated my own opinion about what the heck is going on, but Rob's convinced that Tony is already gone, and we'll spend the rest of the season watching the repercussions, from "The Family" imploding (it's not hard to see a power struggle between Silvio, Paulie, and Christopher, not to mention Vito being all cozy with Phil Leotardo and the New York crew), to "the family" imploding (Carm's disasterous spec house, no cash coming in from Tony, AJ's total dysfunction, Meadow's inability to decide which career to over-achieve in). Me, I'm not so sure. I found this article that certainly provides some interesting theories. I was also surprised to read that the voice of Tony's wife in the dream sequences was not Anabella Sciora (aka Gloria, the car salesperson who killed herself after her affair with Tony) - I was convinced that it was and that the dream was Tony's subconscious' version of what his life should have been. Another note: I agree with the article that something else is going on with Agent Harris and his frequent visits to Satriales. I remember a few seasons ago when the FBI's case against The Family had once again collapsed that there was some mention of trying "the terrorism angle" to bring them down. There was never any follow-up to the scene, but maybe that's all a part of David Chase's master plan. Maybe we'll get the answers to all the loose ends from all the seasons. Perhaps we'll finally know what happened to the Russian that disappeared in the woods from Chris and Paulie?

John P. Glynn, if you're out there and watching, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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