Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Random Resolutions

Whew. I'm pooped. How 'bout you? I dearly love Christmas and the holiday season, but it is exhausting.  I'm always a little sad to say goodbye to the magic and sparkle of Christmas, but also a little relieved that it is all over and I don't have to do it again for another year. We had a strange weather pattern blow in last week bringing 60 degree temperatures with it, and now that we're back in the 30s I'm seriously jonesing for warmer weather. I'm done with you now, Winter. We've made a giant snowman and gone sledding and used the fireplace and all that good stuff. I'd like to put my shorts and flip flops back on now, thankyouverymuch.

We really had a great Christmas, and I truly did enjoy my kids. On Christmas morning they were hilarious and sweet at the same time. This year I started a new tradition by taking them to the dollar store and allowing them to pick out one gift for each of their siblings. I had to help Riley a bit, but the boys managed it on their own. The best was Connor's choice of a package of glow stick bracelets for Casey, and Casey's attempt to disguise his disappointment when he opened them ("Um, thank you?"). I probably enjoyed the whole exercise more than they did, but that's OK. 

So it's back to reality here - back to work and school and schedules. I don't really do New Year's resolutions, but I did make a pact of sorts with Rob to get back to exercising regularly, but after getting up with him at 6am this morning I'm seriously reconsidering my part of the agreement. And I did resolve to try and get back to posting more regularly, so I'll try my best to stick with it. I don't mind saying that I was happy to have 2010 in my rearview mirror, and I'm hoping that 2011 contains more posts about the random events in our daily lives, and fewer posts about my health. I guess that's more of a wish than a resolution, but one I'm excited about nonetheless.