Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Embarrassed in Target; Part II

I knew it would happen again, it was only a matter of time. Last week during our bi-weekly trip to Target, I was browsing some tops in the ladies department, which sits right across the aisle from ladies lingerie. A huge poster of a woman modeling the newest bra style hung over a large rack (no pun intended) of bras, and much to my dismay this display did not escape Casey's eagle eyes. Here's how the following exchange went:

Casey: "What are those, Mommy?"
Me: "Bras, Casey." (as quietly as possible)
Casey: (in his LOUDEST "inside" voice) "Nope, those are boobs Mommy!"
Me: (again, quietly) "OK, thank you."
Casey: (loud voice) "And YOU have BOOBS Mommy!"
Me: (now trying to hide under my cart) "Yes, Casey. I have boobs."
Casey: "Those are boobs. And you have boobs. Boobs. Boooooobs. BOOOOBS!!!"
And then he began to sing a little song - "Boooobs, boobs, boouuaaaahhhuuuubs!"

Needless to say, we were the hit of the ladies department. Several woman just snickered to themselves, but a few others had enough pity on me to giggle while nodding sympathetically at us. I shiver to think what my next public embarrassment will entail.

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