Saturday, July 17, 2010


Routine definitely rules around here. As a means of survival, I have always kept to some sort of schedule - lunch at 12, naps at 2, dinner by 6, bed by 8:30. During the summer, we certainly loosen up a bit, but I know if I get too far out of the routine, there will be consequences. As a result, I'm not nearly as spontaneous as I'd like to be. For all my talk of having some big adventures with the kids this summer, we've mostly played it safe. Rob was home this week helping me recover from surgery, and on Wednesday morning I opened my eyes to find him standing over me. "Want to go to the beach today?" he asked. Without hesitation, I said yes and we loaded up the kids and headed to Lake Michigan.
We had a late start, but were in the sand at our special spot by 2. The kids built a sand castle, and the boys swam in the lake like fish. Connor even figured out how to bodysurf on the little waves and ride them to shore. Riley, on the other hand, refused to get near the water and made one of several versions of this face when asked if she'd like to get in the lake:
I managed to read a few chapters in a chic-lit beach book, and we just relaxed while the kids played in the sand, ate grapes, and enjoyed the day. After a few hours of heat & sun, we packed back up. After a quick stop at the Round Barn tasting room so I could stock up on wine and dinner at Redamaks, we were back on the road to Carmel.
Later that night, after we put sunscreen scented kids to bed and were sitting on the couch, enjoying a glass of wine, I asked Rob if we were crazy for spending 5 hours in the car just to spend 3 hours on the beach. Because nobody got a nap, and every meal was an hour later than usual, and I don't think any of us consumed a single vegetable (unless you count french fries at lunch AND dinner a vegetable). "Of course not!" he instantly replied, and I had to agree. The kids will never remember the schedule, but they might just remember the day we threw it out the window and went to the beach.

P.S. As the photo above proves, I do not look like Pam Anderson after surgery. I just look like me. Which was the exact outcome I was hoping for. I'm recovering very well, and happy to have another step in this cancer journey in my rearview window.

1 comment:

CKM said...

Jen, love it! That is so awesome! The pic of you and the kids is my fave! When I saw the new pic on facebook I was wondering about your trip to the beach - how perfect! Becca has a similiar face like Riley's when daddy tries to get her to walk in the creek when he is fishing - she is all for pool water or bath water, but will not step foot in the creek! We will be trying to get her in a lake next week when we go to Jersey, so we will see...
Hope all is well, let me know if you need anything and CAN'T WAIT to see you the first week of August!