Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Birth Day

So, tommorow is "B Day", the day we're going to the hospital to have Baby Shiny. I still haven't completely wrapped my brain around the idea that by this time tommorow we may know whether Shiny is a boy or girl, and as a result I don't feel particularly anxious or excited. Maybe I'm too focused on the fact that Connor has chosen this week to decide to stage an all out strike against his crib and climb out 50 times a night before finally conking out. He really has impeccable timing, truly.
Anyway, I made these shirts for all the kids - the fronts of the boys' shirts say "Big Brother" with their respective numbers, and the backs obviously have their nicknames - Slugger for Casey & Humpty for Connor.
My bag is all packed and ready for our 6:30am trip to the hospital, and I'm hoping for a good night's sleep for us all.


Courtney said...

Thinking of you all and praying for you too.
Love, Court and crew!

Monnica said...

Jen - we're already praying for you and your (newly expanded) family. Even if you're not, we're anxious about whether Baby Shiny is a boy or girl : )

If you want to help Connor stay in his crib, you can try a crib tent. We've never had to use one, but I know several Moms who have, and they said they worked. We went through a climbing bout with Coleman, but Broedey never (not once!) climbed out, thankfully.

Jen said...

I actually went out yesterday in search of a crib tent and they were sold out everywhere!

P.S. - I'm in labor right now - they have a little computer for me to use next to the bed. How cool is that??!!

Colleen S. said...

I can't comment...what heartache.

Prayers for you and hope baby is coming very soon tonight.

Love, Colleen