Sunday, January 20, 2008

The First Cut is the Deepest

We finally gave in yesterday and took Connor for his first big boy haircut. I loved the "surfer dude" look he had been sporting, but it was getting in his eyes and on Thursday the nurses at my doctor's office mistook him for a little girl, so I relented. He was a little wiggly (as was to be expected) but overall he did great. He looks like such a big boy - I even got a little teary during the cut because it was as though he was transforming instantly from a baby to a little boy right in front of me. He seems to really like the "new 'do", and to be honest so do I. Just another item to add to the list of all the changes happening around here...


Christa said...

I love it! He looks darling!

Colleen S. said...

He is such a doll! Love it.