Monday, January 07, 2008

Cabin Fever

I believe the combined effect of it being ridiculously cold here in Indy (causing me to use my Dad's phrases such as, "Colder than a well-digger's butt," which I have to admit I don't really understand, having never been a well-digger nor felt one's behind, but it seems to really capture the feeling of temperatures in the single digits) and me being on light bed rest has created true winter cabin fever in the boys. Casey has been out of school for holiday break, and we've mostly been cooped up here. In an effort to combat "the fever", Rob brought our old tent up from the basement and set it up in the family room so the boys could "camp" this weekend. By far the best part was the effect the static electricity in the tent had on Connor's hair, and it was alot of fun until it became a bit of a safety hazard when the boy's excitement levels escalated (which seems to be the direction most activities take in our house when both kids are involved. It's no wonder that Casey recently surprised us by randomly dropping the phrase "safety violation" in conversation.). Anyway, it was enough of a distraction to get us through the weekend and the UofL vs. UK game (Go Cards!), and with Casey back to school this week and temperatures warming a bit, I'm hopeful that we can keep cabin fever at bay for a bit.

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