Saturday, February 25, 2006

You Had Me at "Yellow"

Chris Martin is in love with me. I mean, he didn't exactly say, "Jennifer Erin Casey Alderman, I am going to leave my beautiful Academy-Award winning actress wife Gwyneth Paltrow and you should leave your perfectly lovely husband and we should live together forever in my castle in the English countryside.", but when he sang "Look at the stars, look how they shine for you", I'm pretty sure that's what he meant. Because from my seat in the sixth row center stage at the Coldplay concert Thursday night, I know that he was singing directly to me. And when he sang "For you I bleed myself dry", I know he was telling me he loves me. This has happened before. I'm sure you remember the raging crushes Dave Matthews and John Mayer had on me after I saw them in concert. Before you feel sorry for Mr. Alderman, please be advised that he was firmly convinced that the opening act, Fiona Apple, was making a pass for him. While mumbling incoherently and pulling her hair and rubbing her belly in between songs, he was pretty sure that was her way of telling him she wants to have his baby.

So aside from the proclimations of love, the concert was amazing. This is one of those rare occasions where I can say that the band sounded better live than they do on their studio albums. It was worth every expensive penny we paid for the tickets, and I would go again in a heartbeat. But sorry Chris, I'm a committed woman. Unless you sing one more verse of "Yellow" - then I might be convinced otherwise.

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