Monday, July 02, 2007

The Big 32

Today is a big day for Rob. I mean, major, huge, big-time big. He was up at the crack of dawn this morning to drive to Ft. Knox to officially sign out and discharge from the Army. He then changed clothes and pointed his car north and is on his way to Indy to begin the first day of his new residency, and he has his first night of call tonight. All this, and today is his 32nd birthday! I guess if you're going start something new, start big!

And just in case anyone was wondering, I have tried a few recipes from the much-anticipated Rachel Ray cookbook. The best was this Spinach & Artichoke Pasta, which tasted like the appetizer you get in a restaurant but with cheese raviolli in it. As Rachel would say, "Yummo!" (and then I would slap her because I hate it when she says that).

1 comment:

Monnica said...

Wow, that is a big and exciting day!

Jen, please post or send me that recipe. I'm in dire need of something new to add in the rotation.