Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I Do & I Don't

I just finished editing and loading the photos I took this past weekend of the wedding of a sister of a close friend, Terri (did 'ya catch all that?!). Shoo! It was a bit of a workout for me as there were nearly 200 photos to edit down, and I'm not used to working with that volume. I also learned quite a bit in the process, most importantly that I do love photographing people, but I don't neccesarily love doing it on their wedding day.

Even the most laid-back of weddings become a bit hairy down the stretch, and there are no do-overs in wedding photography. I definately prefer the pace of working with kids and babies taking their portraits. Kids can certainly be unpredictable, but you almost always have a second chance to get the shot right. If you miss the first kiss or blur the cutting of the cake, well, you're SOL. But I did enjoy watching a young couple start a new life and family together, and to help document that special moment in time for them.

Anyway, I'm pleased with how the photos turned out, and I hope the couple are as well. Every wedding I attend now brings back memories of my own wedding, and things I would do different and things I wouldn't change for the world. I do love our photos from that day, both the professional album and the candids turned in from friends and family. I don't think I would alter any of them a bit. It almost cracks me up to go back and look at them now, and to think those two people had no idea of the journey they were in for together, the journey that we are still pleasantly traveling together.

I had a newborn session this morning, and let me tell 'ya it's a good thing I'm pregnant because I have a terrible case of baby fever. He was so cute and pink and little and soft I almost couldn't stand it, and I am now impatient for the arrival of our new little one, even though the baby wont arrive for another 5 months or so. I don't think I ever expected to be pregnant at this point in time, but I do think we are very lucky to have this little blessing. Funny thing how those two little "I do's" turned into so much more...

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