Friday, August 15, 2008

Baby Shiny

I can hardly believe that six months have passed since Riley joined our family, but its true. And although I whine a lot about her not being a good sleeper, not taking a bottle, and just being high maintenance in general, she is still an absolute joy and I am trying to enjoy every minute of this delicious baby stage. Right now she's all smiles, and is so generous with her silly grins and giggles. She is equally fascinated and amused by both of her brothers, although she already (wisely) regards Connor with a bit more caution than Casey. She's still a girl who knows what she wants (and, yes, that often includes not wanting to nap or be held be anyone other than me), but she also seems to be developing a very sweet personality. We still refer to her quite a bit as Baby Shiny, and I think it might be a nickname that she'll be stuck with for awhile. Which is OK, it seems to fit her just fine.

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