Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It Has Come to This

Within the past few weeks Connor has figured out how to free himself from the confines of his backwards pajamas at night, and so I woke to find him "au natural" in his bed every morning last week. That also meant that I had to wash all his sheets, blankets, and animals every day last week. Yesterday morning was the final straw, and I pleaded with Rob to find some solution to this situation as there was a strong possibility that I would lose my tender grip on sanity if I had to do another load of pee-soaked bedding. And so, it has come to this. Duct tape. A quick google search of "what to do when child will not keep diaper on" resulted in many suggestions that we had already exhausted - backwards zipper PJs, pull-ups, snapped onesies, etc. Except for duct tape. So now before naps and bedtime, Connor gets his "special diaper tape" applied around the top of the diaper (please don't rush to call CPS, the tape is applied to the diaper only, we don't actually tape it to his body). This is truly our last solution, and so we can only hope that he outgrows this phase before he gets strong enough to pull the tape off. We may have just bought ourselves a few years of psychotherapy ("You see doc, it all began when they duct taped my diaper to me...") but at least we've also bought a few more weeks of sanity (and less laundry).


Christa said...

If you use duct tape to keep your sons diaper on at night.....You Might Be A Redneck

I hope this doesn't come back to haunt me with Jack but it will in some form or another.
That is use # 1,000,001 for duct tape.
You should patent it and get that bearded guy to do your infomercial... I can see it now... "Does your baby get up in the middle of the night with thoughts of running naked through a dewy meadow and shed his diaper or onesy only to wake up and find that he is in the infield ditch at the Ky Derby...well say goodbye to that with the BRAND NEW DIAPER LOCK 3000....thats right a unique interlocking and revolutionary new way to PUT YOUR BABY'S DIAPER ON LOCKDOWN !!! "

I probably spent to much time on this but my life is full of wasted talent moments such as this.
I relly think it is genius and hilarious.( Your Duct Tape Idea not my retort)
Hope you get a chuckle out of this.

tiffany said...

I laughed so hard on this, I was crying!