Monday, April 06, 2009

Pajama Time!

I've been doing alot of sewing lately, and much of it is done during naptime while Riley & Connor sleep. Since Casey decided when he turned 4 last year that he was too big for naps, he has been my patient little helper while I work. And by patient little helper, I mean that he plays near my sewing machine firing an unending line of questions at me. "What happened to the dinosaurs, Mom?" "What happened to the cavemen?" "What happened to all the pirates?" You know, lots and lots of questions for which I have no answers. Then finally, "When are you going to make me something?". Since very little of what I have made lately was for us, I felt that was a justifiable question, and I asked him what he wanted. Batman pants, he replied. Easy enough, and I was lucky to find some Batman fabric at Hancocks and whipped him up a pair of PJ pants last week. He loves them and has worn them everyday. I'm not sure why he's making that face in the photo, but I think it is somehow superhero related. Now his little brother has placed an order for some Bob the Builder pants, and I imagine if little sister could express the desire she wouldn't refuse a pair either. 

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