Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Random Dynamics

Just had to share a little more love between Casey & his baby sister. Sitting back and watching the dynamics play out between the three kids is fascinating. Actually having to break up the "dynamics" around here, well, that's more frustrating than fascinating. But I still look at them and feel blessed that they are here, and that they belong to me. Even when one of them pulls down his pants and pees in the corner of the family room. A story for another time perhaps...

I received a reduced dose of Taxol this week due to a little numbness in my fingers. The hope is we caught it early enough to prevent permanent damage. Lord knows I don't need any assistance in being clumsy and dropping things, thank you very much. Other than that things are progressing very well, and I'm still on track to finish up June 1 (yay!).

I am so excited about the Oaks this friday I can hardly stand it. I think that some of the survivor's parade is supposed to be broadcast on Bravo on friday from 5-6, but I don't know how much. Watch for Rob & I - we'll be the ones sporting matching pink-dyed bald heads. Kidding. Maybe.


Lori McDonough said...

I've been reading and getting updates from my sister, Susan. Just wanted you to know you're in my prayers and i'm so happy everything is going well. Take care!

The Wenzs said...

Jen and Rob - Look forward to seeing you at the Oaks tomorrow. Enjoy the walk Jen! The Aldermans Rock!!!