Wednesday, September 12, 2007

First Day

What has two arms and was excited about the first day of preschool? This guy! We were running a bit behind schedule, so I only had time to snap this quick photo of Casey before he headed off to school, and this was his chosen pose for the occasion. Rob had a rare day off work and was able to join us to drop off Casey, who happily hopped right out of the van and headed inside with his teacher, stopping only to look back when we called out to him. He must have had a great time, because the only time tears were shed was when I picked him up and it was time to leave. Tommorow he has his first "show & tell", and is planning to take his bug catcher cage & tools to show his new friends. On the one hand, he seems like such a big kid going to school with his backpack on, and on the other hand he seems so small still. It was a strange brew of emotions for me yesterday - a little pride mixed with a little heartbreak as he headed into school, and I know that this is just the first of many first days like this.


Graydon said...

Casey reminds me so much of Ian on his first day of pre school. As he jumped out of the car I got a little teary as I watched him walk away from me for the first time. On the other hand my feelings were a little hurt as he didn't even turn around to say goodbye. Won't he miss his Mommy? Anyway, you will learn to love Casey's time at pre school as it will allow you to spend quality one on one time with Connor. My favorite times with Owen is when Ian's in school. Enjoy as they grow up so fast. Miss you.

Colleen S. said...

So many memories you are making. Take Casey's preschool moment and multiply leaving him for his first day of kindergarten. Someday we will be saying by for college and weddings. etc

I had a chance to read all of your recent entries.

So glad you are having a little one! Love your thoughts. Especially pictures...especially the rose one.