I am not a winter person by nature. I'm not a big fan of snow, hate ice, despise wind, and if I didn't have the need to own gloves, scarves, or wool coats I'd be just fine. Yet here I am in a city that, although sunny and bright, is logging a high temperature today of 28 degrees. We all have dry skin and cabin fever, runny noses and chapped lips. And even poor Casey (pictured above napping on the couch in a position that fully expresses how I feel about the weather this time of year), who has missed 3 of the last 4 Fridays of school with some sort of ailment and who passionately loves to play in the snow, looked longingly out at the backyard this afternoon and sadly said, "I wish we could just put on a little jacket and go play on the swing-set." Me too.
Are we there yet?
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