Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day

It started snowing yesterday around 2:00 pm and continued through the night, so it was no surprise this morning when we woke to find about 7 inches of powder on the ground and school cancelled. The boys have been desperate for a decent snowfall, and they certainly received their wishes today. We got out for a bit this morning while Riley napped, and I actually enjoyed being out in the snow (if you're unsure of my feelings about the weather, see my "Are We There Yet" post). Part of that may be the result of a friendly neighbor who snow-blowed our driveway so I didn't have to shovel it, but I think it was mostly due to watching how much fun the boys were having. They jumped, slid, crawled, stomped, and laid in the snow, and naturally Connor ate it by the handfuls. I'm hoping to drop Riley off with a neighbor this afternoon so I can take them sledding down the big hill across the street - they enjoyed going down the small slope of our driveway so much I can only imagine the fun they'll have flying down a real hill. As previously stated, I'm not a big fan of the cold or snow, but I am a big fan of my kids enjoying all the pleasures of childhood, and playing in the snow is certainly one of them. 

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