Thursday, June 03, 2010

Me, Meself, and Me

"I do it meself!" I hear that phrase about 100 times a day. Riley has become Miss Independent, entering that precarious toddler stage of wanted to do everything on her own. It's a tough one, because you walk a fine line between letting her do things by herself so she can learn and trying to be patient and encouraging and losing your ever-loving mind because it is taking you 45 minutes to let her buckle her own car seat in the parking lot of Target. But just when you think you've reached the point of zero-tolerance, she'll thrust her little fist up at you and simply say, "Hand!" and want you to help her across the street. It just melts my heart.

And just as I suspected, the trend is catching on.

My counts were too low on Tuesday to get chemo, but I returned this morning and luckily was able to receive treatment, so everyone keep your fingers crossed that everything goes well and I receive my last round next week.

1 comment:

tiffany said...

Love the new trend....way to go Connor! Good luck next week!